04 — Seeing What Others Can't: The Clarity of Brand Vision

Think about your day-to-day life as a business owner. Does your mind go to dreamy Instagram reels, scheduling in client calls, and your next coffee shop workspace?

If so, you're not alone — but rarely does anyone consider taking time to imagine as a valuable activity, even though envisioning is all-important when building something new.

When crafting a magnetic offer, imagining is all-important. If you're struggling to get your business up and running, or you’re feeling stuck in an uninspired rut, it's likely because you haven't defined a clear vision statement that dreams up a big idea for the future of your business.

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What is a Brand Vision Statement?

A brand vision statement is a short statement that shares an aspirational look into your brand’s future (think 5-10 years into the future). It’s all about imagining what you want your business to be and writing it down in a way that’s easy to share and digest.

Your vision should differentiate your business. It's not just about describing what you do, but imagining the impact you plan to make. Ultimately, you want someone to hear your brand vision statement and think: ‘Wow, I need this brand in my life!’

What if I *Don’t* Have a Vision Statement?

If you’ve been procrastinating launching your business, or you have an established business that feels stuck or uninspired, it could be because you haven’t defined a vision statement.

Without a vision, your business will lack a sense of direction, which will stifle your growth. You don’t want to be doing all the things without a clear direction or purpose about where you’re going.

A hand reaching for another hand that holds a lilac mobile phone.


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Vision VS Mission

You’ve probably already heard of vision statements and mission statements, and the differences between the two can be an area of confusion.

  • Your vision statement is there to share an aspirational look at the long-term impact you want to make.

  • A mission statement is your approach – the steps you will take to make your vision a reality.

Your vision statement and mission statement go hand in hand. If your mission statement implies that you’re moving on a different track to your mission statement, there will be a misalignment in your messaging.

How to Find Your Vision

To create a compelling vision statement, consider the following prompts:

  • Why does your brand exist? What core need, desire or problem do you aim to address?

  • Who do you want to help? Who is your target audience? What types of people make up your community?

  • What are you trying to achieve? What goals are you working towards?

  • How do you envision your brand making the world a better place, even in a small way?

  • If you achieved all your goals, what impact would it have? What legacy or enduring impression do you want your brand to leave behind?

Writing Your Vision Statement

Here is a formula to structure your vision statement: We provide (describe a feeling) (your offer) for (who you help with your offer).

For example: A heartfelt vegan supermarket that aims to deliver ethically sourced produce to people throughout London.

A hand holding up a sheet of paper displaying a mood board.

Brand Vision Board Template

Join the newsletter to access the Notion-based Vision Board template, a tool to help you clarify your goals, capture inspiration, and create a compelling visual roadmap.

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Vision Statement Tips

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when creating your statement:

1. Follow Your Values

Your vision statement should build on your brand values. Make sure they appear in your vision statement, showing up to share what you stand for.

2. Be Ambitious

While crafting your vision statement, be ambitious, crafting a message that will resonate for years to come. Remember to balance your ambition with clarity to avoid confusion or inconsistencies.

3. Be Authentic

Your statement should be unique to your brand, setting you apart from others in the same market and niche and embodying your brand's personality. While it doesn't need to mention specific products or services, it should reflect what makes your business stand out.

4. Be Specific

Your vision statement should be clear, impactful, and inspirational. Steer clear of technical jargon and use simple language that anyone can understand. Be direct and explicitly state what you hope to achieve.

Putting Your Statement into Action

When you have defined your vision, use it to:

1. Differentiate Your Brand

A vision statement establishes what makes it different from any other brand in the market. It aligns the brand's identity, personality, and messaging, to differentiate your brand from your competitors.

2. Find inspiration

It also serves as a source of inspiration. Resonate with the aspirational vision expressed in the statement, and look to it when you feel stuck or confused about your sense of direction.

3. Attract Customers

A vision statement connects with customers who share your values and beliefs. Use it at different brand touch points — for example, you can share your vision statement on your website about page and in client welcome guides.

4. Define Growth

Your vision statement offers a framework for success and a way to identify how and why your business needs to improve or evolve. The great part is that it allows you to create your narrative and set your expectations for success on your own terms.


Aim for a statement that is ambitious yet clear, authentic to your brand, and aligned with your mission.

A laptop, glass and pen sat on top of a stone table, next to a black chair.


Learn how to craft a brand mission statement that articulates your unique approach to solving problems and meeting the needs of your dream client.

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03 — Irresistible Attraction: Find Your Brand Values


05 — Heartfelt Impact: Articulating a Compassionate Mission