02 — Beyond Demographics: Secrets of Your Client Avatar

Imagine havigng an in-depth understanding of those who resonate the most with your offerings, knowing their preferences, pain points, aspirations, and what truly makes them tick. This is your ideal client avatar; a representation of your ideal customer that goes beyond demographics.

Having a client avatar to hand means you can craft targeted messaging that resonates with your customer’s interests and values. Instead of attempting to be everything to everyone, it allows you to zone in to serve a specific audience exceptionally well.

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What an Ideal Client Avatar *is*

Beyond surface-level characteristics like age, gender, and location, your client avatar is a deeper exploration of your customer’s motivations, beliefs, desires, and pain points.

Creating a client avatar allows you to align your offerings and define yourself as the *go-to* person for your client by speaking directly to them and providing answers to their specific problems.

Avatars in Action

Let’s look at an example. A wedding photographer’s ideal client might be a couple in their early 30s who value self-expression and authentic moments over staged shots. Their ideal client avatar shows that:

  • Their client is looking for natural, candid photos capturing real emotions rather than posed or staged shots.

  • Their client likely feels overwhelmed by so much choice with so many photographers out there.

  • They're concerned about working with a photographer who doesn't ‘get’ their vibe and style.

The photographer can position their services by:

  • Talking about their photojournalistic approach that captures organic, unscripted moments.

  • Highlighting how they serve non-traditional couples, allowing them to truly understand and connect with their customer.

  • Build trust by showing they speak the same language through authentic stories and images that reflect their modern, unstructured style.

Now, the photographer's messaging can speak to their customers pain points and lifestyle values in a way that makes an instant connection.

What a Client Avatar *isn’t*

Narrowing your audience sometimes feels counterproductive, but creating a client avatar isn't about limiting your reach. It means that, instead of trying to serve everyone, you directly serve those who need what you have to offer, and who you deeply understand.

A wedding photographer marketing their services with a broad message like ‘We’ll shoot the wedding of your dreams’ might gain some clients but needs more specificity to truly make a connection. 

A tailored message like ‘Intimate wedding photography for adventurous couples seeking rustic destination weddings’ connects with a client looking for a specific person to work with.

Targeted messaging draws in the right clients, establishes you as someone who intimately understands their unique situation, and positions you as the person they need to help them.

Creating a client persona doesn't just show you who your ideal clients are; it also shows you who they aren't. By understanding who your ideal client isn't, you can avoid spending time on those who aren't the right fit for your offer. Take a pause to consider: who do you not want to attract?

The Basics: Who Are They?

If you haven’t considered demographics before, this is a good place to start forming a picture of your ideal client. Demographics can include:

  • Age: What age range does your audience fall into?

  • Gender: Consider the gender identity of your ideal client. Are your products or services gender-specific?

  • Location: Where is your audience most likely to be based? Are they local or global?

  • Occupation: What kind of work do they do? Does this shed light on their challenges or purchasing power?

  • Income: What is their income bracket?

  • Education: What is their education level?

  • Marital Status: Is your ideal client single, married, divorced, or in a relationship? Does this influence their decision-making processes and needs?

This is just a starting point; there are plenty more demographics to explore based on your niche and offer.

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Knowing Your People's Psyche

A client avatar goes beyond demographics with psychographics — a deeper understanding of your client's attitudes, interests, values, lifestyles, and personalities. Brands that emotionally vibe with their customers have twice the impact of those who keep it surface level.

So, let's go deeper:

1. Attitudes

What's their stance on topics relevant to your business? Are they open to trying new things or set in their ways? What matters to them and what doesn't even register?

2. Interests

Hobbies, areas of fascination, favorite ways to spend a Saturday — get nosy. Knowing what captivates them clues you in on the content and messaging that'll grab their attention.

3. Values

What principles guide their actions? What causes do they care about beyond their own interests? Aligning with their values builds that all-important trust factor. For more on this topic, visit our blog post on irresistible brand values.

4. Lifestyles

Paint a picture of their typical day - what it looks like, who they interact with, what brands they vibe with. Understanding their daily rhythms and environments allows you to slide right into their lifestyle.

5. Personalities

We all tend towards being more introverted or extroverted, analytical or emotional. Figuring out their core personality leanings ensures you communicate in a tone and style that resonates.

The more you tune into psychographics, the more you'll be able to craft messaging that hits on a gut level.

Daily Habits & Patterns

Creating an avatar that feels real means getting to know your client's typical habits. Not just about what they buy, but all the patterns and quirks that make them unique:

1. Purchasing Habits

Are they impulse shoppers who add to cart first and ask questions later? Or do they prioritize quality over price? What's their typical spending, and what are their buying patterns?

2. Usage Habits

They snagged your product or offer — now what? How often do they actually use it? Is it a daily essential or an occasional treat? Understanding their routines will clue you in on their motivations.

3. Brand Engagement

However and wherever your customer interacts with you, pay attention. What prompts them to tune in more? What causes radio silence?

The more you can envision your ideal client's typical day-to-day behavior, the more realistic and relatable your avatar becomes.

Hopes, Fears & Motivators

Serving your customers well means understanding them and their driving force. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. What goals are they working towards? What obstacles are throwing rocks in their path? What desires are driving them? What frustrations are wearing them down?

1. Goals

Your ideal client is striving for something, whether growing their business's revenue, providing for their family, or achieving that elusive work-life balance. Getting clear on their goals helps you position your offer as the solution that will help them get there.

2. Challenges

We all experience challenges — maybe your client is struggling to book new clients or is plagued by self-doubt. Dig into the challenges they're facing.

3. Desires

Your clients want to feel a certain way. They might desire to feel recognized, successful, in control, or fulfilled. They are sure to have tangible wants like money and freedom but pinpoint those deeper, emotional desires, and you'll have them hooked.

4. Frustrations

There are a few things that just drive your ideal client up the wall. Cash flow problems, lack of mentorship, or not having enough hours in the day. Ask what's really bugging them.

5. Fears

Whether it's failure, the unknown, risk, or judgment, we all have fears. Understand what's scaring your client and position yourself as the antidote that can calm those fears.

Identifying fears and frustrations isn't about preying on insecurities. It's about deeply understanding your client's concerns so you can create a thoughtful offer that alleviates their challenges. Empathy is your biggest advantage when crafting messaging that moves your audience.

A Notion-based ideal client avatar template.

Client Avatar Template

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Bringing it all Together

Now comes the fun part — bringing together everything you've learned to form a brand experience made to fit your ideal customer:

Seamless Brand Messaging

Your content should seamlessly show that you get your client’s wants and needs. Empathize with their challenges, and position yourself as *the* expert to help them solve their problems and achieve their goals.

Create On-Brand Visuals

Create visuals that connect with your people. What inspires and engages them? This is a great place to start if you’re unsure what to post on social media. Rather than thinking ‘What do I want to say?’ consider ‘What does my client want to see?’ What do they need to know more about? What are they looking for? What do they find funny or uplifting?

Grow a Community

Become the go-to community for people just like your ideal client. Whether through an in-person local community or an online space, create a shared experience and sense of belonging for your people. Your brand should feel like a natural fit in your client’s lives.


By going beyond demographics, you can gain a deeper understanding of your ideal clients' needs, pain points, and motivations. With this knowledge, you can tailor your marketing to attract the right clients, build trust, and establish yourself in your field. Remember, the more you know about your ideal clients, the better prepared you are to serve them and grow your business.


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01 — On Brand Ikigai: Find Your Reason for Being


03 — Irresistible Attraction: Find Your Brand Values