09 — Compelling Brand Stories: The Story Brand Framework

We are all captivated by stories. They whisk us away to new worlds and helps us make sense of our own. As important as they are to our personal lives, they are just as important in business.

The Story Brand framework by Donald Miller is a framework that helps you structure your brand messaging as a journey with relatable characters, conflicts, and moments of transformation. By positioning your customer as the protagonist, you play the role of the guide, offering a way for them to overcome their challenges.

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The Story Brand Framework

The framework boils down to 7 narrative elements that have captivated humans since swapping tales by firelight.

1. The Character…

(Your customer is the main character or hero/heroine).

Your customer is the protagonist at the heart of your story, and they are about to be taken on an adventure.

2. Has a Problem…

(This is something they want but can’t get on their own).

Your protagonist has an issue or threat they are facing — a problem they just can't overcome.

3. Meets a Guide…

(You/your brand who will help them).

This is where your brand arrives to offer the protagonist guidance and training for the challenges ahead.

4. Who Gives Them a Plan…

(With your product/service as the solution).

You do more than cheer them on from the sidelines — you come bearing a tangible plan of attack in the form of your product or service.

5. And Calls Them to Action…

(The next step to buy/engage).

But simply telling them the cheat code isn't enough. You have to explicitly issue the call for our hero to begin the journey with you by their side. This leads them to take that critical first step.

6. That Helps Them Avoid Failure…

(This is what might happen if they don't take action!).

As any folktale will tell you, defying the call to adventure leads the protagonist down an undesirable path. Share exactly what inaction could mean for them.

7. And Ends in Success.

(The result/transformation they desire).

Alternatively, taking that step across the threshold with you as their guide? Explain how this act will pave the way to their transformation.

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Applying the Framework to Your Brand

Identify the characters

Who exactly are the people you aim to speak to? Explore their portraits, motivations, and deepest wants (we recommend defining your ideal client avatar if you haven’t already!).

Example: We’re here for the busy women who deeply value mindful moments but struggle to make them a priority.

Define the problem

Every story needs a problem to overcome. Define the exact problems or paint points your customer is facing. Use sensory details and real-world examples to highlight your customer's frustrations and consequences. Make their pain points viscerally felt.

Example: We're losing the simple human art of creating heartfelt moments that honor our most cherished relationships.

Position yourself as the guide

You are the guide that will help your audience with their problem. Establish your brand voice and position yourself as the guide who has all the answers.

Example: We're your local floristry guide, curating lush, soulful botanicals to elevate life's special connections with symbolic meaning and natural beauty.


What's the first concrete step your audience needs to take when joining your brand on this journey? And what pitfalls or missed opportunities will they face if they don’t take the call to action?

Example: Book a consultation so we can collaborate on custom floral designs for your upcoming celebration. Don't let these precious milestones get cheapened by impersonal bouquets.

Share the result

Share the end result of working with you. How will your customer’s life transform? Tap into human motivations like the desire for freedom, connection, excellence, security, or making an impact. Go beyond external desires to resonate on a gut level.

Example: By welcoming our organic, sustainably sourced floral arrangements into your world, you'll effortlessly curate heartfelt occasions overflowing with grace, love, and irreplaceable memories.


By positioning your audience as the hero, empathizing with their struggles, and casting your brand as their guide, you elevate your offerings with storytelling rooted in purposeful narrative and brand vision.


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